
Thursday, August 07, 2003

The Two Bobs
If you have not yet seen Office Space, then you have no idea what I'm talking about. Therefore, this post might not be as funny to you as it could be. So, go! Do not delay! Watch Office Space now!!

OK...for those of you who have watched or who have returned from watching. Thank you. I value your support.

Right now, the UW is in the midst of a reorganization campaign. They have decided that they have a bad image as a money-funneling group. They want to move toward more "community impact organization." So, they brought in all of these consultants.

I have learned one thing about consultants: they are the most annoying people that I know. All of the things that they talk about are pretty much common sense. I haven't heard one new idea from the lot of them. And they all have weird names. One woman only goes by her initials. It's like her name is WAY too long for people to say in the amount of time that they have so she has to shorten it.

Sometimes I want to hit my head with the ball of my hand and say: "well, duh!" Like the other day. I was in a meeting with marketing and PR. They're trying to figure out if their new promotion plan will be effective. And so they ask them:

"What do you think that we should do to engage people from as many ethnic groups as possible in our programs?"

Does everyone have an answer to this? I mean, I think that the answer is fairly obvious, but this was like a thunderbolt to the people in the meeting. The answer:

"Ask them what they want."

OMG! I have never thought of that before! Yeah, right. Is this rocket science? I don't think so.

So, then they have a discussion about who they should ask within the "ethnic" communities. Does everyone have an answer for this one yet? I do. Let's see if our answers match up with the panel:

"The leaders of the ethnic organizations in Rhode Island."

Again...this was not exactly difficult to figure out. Then they say: "Well, some of these people do not speak English. Do you think that it would be beneficial to circulate some promotional literature in translation?"

Ummm...let's think about this for a minute. You're trying to attract a constituency that does not speak English as their first language. Hmmm.... I know...this is a tough one. Think hard though. You'll get it. Maybe even before the UW.

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