
Thursday, August 07, 2003

The Two Bobs
If you have not yet seen Office Space, then you have no idea what I'm talking about. Therefore, this post might not be as funny to you as it could be. So, go! Do not delay! Watch Office Space now!!

OK...for those of you who have watched or who have returned from watching. Thank you. I value your support.

Right now, the UW is in the midst of a reorganization campaign. They have decided that they have a bad image as a money-funneling group. They want to move toward more "community impact organization." So, they brought in all of these consultants.

I have learned one thing about consultants: they are the most annoying people that I know. All of the things that they talk about are pretty much common sense. I haven't heard one new idea from the lot of them. And they all have weird names. One woman only goes by her initials. It's like her name is WAY too long for people to say in the amount of time that they have so she has to shorten it.

Sometimes I want to hit my head with the ball of my hand and say: "well, duh!" Like the other day. I was in a meeting with marketing and PR. They're trying to figure out if their new promotion plan will be effective. And so they ask them:

"What do you think that we should do to engage people from as many ethnic groups as possible in our programs?"

Does everyone have an answer to this? I mean, I think that the answer is fairly obvious, but this was like a thunderbolt to the people in the meeting. The answer:

"Ask them what they want."

OMG! I have never thought of that before! Yeah, right. Is this rocket science? I don't think so.

So, then they have a discussion about who they should ask within the "ethnic" communities. Does everyone have an answer for this one yet? I do. Let's see if our answers match up with the panel:

"The leaders of the ethnic organizations in Rhode Island."

Again...this was not exactly difficult to figure out. Then they say: "Well, some of these people do not speak English. Do you think that it would be beneficial to circulate some promotional literature in translation?"

Ummm...let's think about this for a minute. You're trying to attract a constituency that does not speak English as their first language. Hmmm.... I know...this is a tough one. Think hard though. You'll get it. Maybe even before the UW.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Starting New Again
So, I was trying to decide how to kill a half hour before my next meeting and checked out "blogs of note" on the main Blogger page. That's when I found Alex's website. She's done something that's inspiring to me. She quit working for corporate America and decided to become a writer. She just decided one weekend while on vacation that she was going to give her notice and that's what she did. I love this website. I like the way it looks. I like the way that she writes. I just like it.

I should mention right now (before I get "the look") that Dolores and others have been telling me that I should try to get my work published. My mother's been telling me that I should take art lessons since I was in high school. I love history and studying people. I like to travel. So, what the hell am I doing sitting around at the United Way? (oops...I wasn't going to mention the large non-profit that I work for. Oh well..)

I think, my friends, that I have entered into the post-grad-school crisis again. I have a plan for now, but maybe it needs some supplementation.

I think that I'll call it "Appendix XIII: Revisions to the Life Plan"

Monday, August 04, 2003

Honorable Mentions
I was recently asked by Ms. Dolores Radlo how she could get a spotlight mention in this blog. We discussed it, and now here it is. A bio can be obtained from her website.

I thought that I would forward along all information about honorable mentions for all of you who might be interested in the future:

Basically, I accept all major forms of bribes: cash, coffee, food, romance novels, and electronic devices. :):) ;-) All other terms and conditions are negotiable. After all, I am a fair woman. ;-)

Kim and Dolores have already taken advantage of the services available at the Emporium. If you would like to discuss your contribution to this blog, please contact my people (email on the sidebar) and maybe we can work something out that is to the full satisfaction of all interested parties. :)

Wasting Time
I have given myself a project. I am making scrap paper squares. This is what it has come to.

The Weekend Update
While my weekend was not as funny as SNL, it did have its moments. :) (Actually, it was probably funnier than SNL, which has gone from bad to worse in my estimation.)

Friday we had a surprise party for Dolores at her house. Now, surprising Miss Dolores Radlo is quite a feat because she will question and try to help out with any alternate plan that you try to think up. So, in effect, we had to plan two outings -- one was the actual party and the other was going to dinner and a movie. Luckily, because this was so short notice (her mom had called me Monday), we already had plans for Friday so we just switched them around. That made the whole thing more plausible. But it also cut down on the list of people who would be able to make it and who I could invite. She was totally surprised so I feel that it was a success! :):)

After dragging my butt back home by midnight Saturday morning (some of us decided to go out for a drink at T.G.I. Friday's after the party), I woke up earlier than usual for a Saturday to go to a meeting at the Old Colony Historical Society. As part of my new "life plan" to get a certificate in museum studies, I'm going to start volunteering for the local historical society again. I used to work with them in high school, and I think that it's time to get more hands-on experience in the museum world.

After that, I went home and the whole family went to pick up my mom from T.F.Green airport. Poor Mom. Her 10 days in Florida started out nicely, but at the end of the week, the dog became incontinent. Everytime the poor dog sat down and relaxed, she ended up sitting in a puddle of pee. Mom spent two days continuously cleaning the floors because my aunt does not have a fenced-in grassy area that the dog could be in and the sun was too hot for her.

That night was also an adventure. Dad had bought tickets for the family to go to see The Beach Boys at the South Shore Music Circus. It was a good show, and kept moving. There was one weird thing about it. Actually, a couple of weird things. The first was that they didn't only play their music. They did a set of tunes from their era singing such things as Duke of Earl. Then they sang a Beatles' song -- very very weird.

The other weird thing was that John Stamos was in their backup band. Most of you Gen Xers and Gen Yees would know him as "Uncle Jesse" on the show Full House. Apparently, this was his first gig back in the days before the TV show, and now he comes back every once in a while to play drums and guitar for the band. It was cool to see him, but he was so completely ANNOYING on stage. What a showboat! The Beach Boys are old men these days and basically just sing and play from behind their mics. But not John Stamos! Oh no, he had to be walking around the stage all the time he wasn't playing the drums. They had to give him the mic at one point because some of the girls were screaming at him. And he spent a good deal of the show making what I guess were supposed to be sexy faces at girls in the audience. It's like he had ADD. I wanted to hand him some Ritalin.

We didn't get back until after midnight from the concert because my father insists on taking every backroad in Massachusetts when he's driving. I was beyond tired at this point, but my sister still saw fit to wake me up at 9:30 and beg me to go to 10:00 Mass with her. (She doesn't like to go to church to begin with, and she really dislikes going alone.) I went grudgingly and grumpily, but I went. The rest of the day was pretty tame compared to Saturday. I went to Leominster for my friend Katie's birthday party. I hadn't seen her in a while and hadn't been to see her family in over a year so it was really nice to get a chance to chat. And, finally, on my way home, I stopped by to see Dolores who is house sitting for Dr. Prichard (a.k.a. "Ma") while she's in Arizona visiting her sister.

And that's it!! Whew! What a posting! And I thought that last weekend's was long!

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